Getting Started
Now that you have logged onto the site, you will see tabs at the top of each web
page, such as Transactions, G&S, Loans, and General Functions.
- The Transactions tab will take you to the "Welcome
to HESC" page, where you will find a
full description of functions available on
the site. Also, you can see headlines
on important new information.
- The G&S tab will take you to the functions
that are available for Grants and Scholarships.
- The Loans tab will take you to a link to
the current Loans transaction processing
screens. Redesigned screens will be available
in the future.
- The General Functions tab will bring you
to the other functions that are available
on the web site, such as web file transfer,
reports and forms, tax reporting, and password
You will also see links in the upper right-hand side of each web page: Help,
Search, and Logon or Logoff.
- The Help link will take you to the HelpCenter
Home page.
- The Search link will take you to the search
page, where you will be able to search by
keyword or topic.
- The Logon link will allow you to logon to
the web site and the Logoff link will allow
you to logoff the web site.
Page Navigation
- There are two ways to get on-line help:
1. Click on the "Help" link on the
far right-hand corner of each screen, which
will take you directly into the HelpCenter,
2. Click on the underlined "hot
spots" in text, which will take you
directly to specific Help topics. To get
back to the page you were viewing prior to
going into the HelpCenter, click on the "Close
Window" field in the upper right-hand
corner of the Help screen.
- Use the Tab key to move between fields or
use the mouse to point and click on a field.
Fields with asterisks (*) are required fields
and you must enter the requested data in
them before you can initiate the transaction.
- After you have completed entering data in
the fields, click on the appropriate button
to process the data in the system. Each button
is clearly labeled with its function. You
must click on the button to send data to
the system.
- Scroll bars are present along the right-hand
side of the page, when all of the data cannot
be viewed on one web page.
- To jump to another function, simply click
on the function that you want to view, from
the list on the left-hand side of the page.
- Navigation on All Data pages can be done by making use of
the Up / Down arrows or by using the scroll bar.
(E.g., View All G&S Data has arrows to
G&S Student Data, G&S Processing
Data, and G&S Payment Data.)
- When navigating forward or back in this site, do not use your browser's Forward or
Back buttons. Instead, use the arrows, tabs, and links associated with HESCWeb.
(E.g., View All G&S Data and the General Functions Navigation Tab.)
- The Logon link will allow you to logon to HESCWeb
Transaction Processing and the Logoff link will allow you
to logoff from HESCWeb Transaction Processing.
Print Option
Certain functions have a Print option. When selecting the Print option, a Print Data window
will open. Clicking "OK" will print the displayed page.
Depending on the browser used, the print dialog box may or may not
initially appear. If it does not appear, select "Print" from the browser toolbar. Click "OK"
from the print dialog box to print the page.
Click "Close Window" in the upper right corner of the displayed page, to return to the
previous function. When printing multiple student records, click "Clear"
before entering appropriate data for next student.
Changing Your Password
Password maintenance instructions are found under the General Functions tab as
the "Changing My Password" Help text.