Getting Started

Now that you have logged onto the site, you will see tabs at the top of each web page, such as Transactions, G&S, Loans, and General Functions.

You will also see links in the upper right-hand side of each web page: Help, Search, and Logon or Logoff.

Page Navigation

Print Option

Certain functions have a Print option. When selecting the Print option, a Print Data window will open. Clicking "OK" will print the displayed page.

Depending on the browser used, the print dialog box may or may not initially appear. If it does not appear, select "Print" from the browser toolbar. Click "OK" from the print dialog box to print the page.

Click "Close Window" in the upper right corner of the displayed page, to return to the previous function. When printing multiple student records, click "Clear" before entering appropriate data for next student.

Changing Your Password

Password maintenance instructions are found under the General Functions tab as the "Changing My Password" Help text.