Loans Help Topics

In this section, you will be able to work with FFELP (Federal Family Education Loan Program) loans.

There are two types of FFELP Loans: Federal Stafford Loans and Federal PLUS ( FPLUS ) Loans. Stafford Loans are available to eligible students who meet the basic requirements. PLUS Loans are available to parents, stepparents, and legal guardians of eligible students.

Borrower Tasks
Process new loans and view information on existing and pending loans. Authorized users can also change disbursement dates and hold/release status, adjust and reallocate loan amounts, cancel or reduce disbursements, and change borrower information.

School Tasks
View and work with school data. Authorized users will be able to change a school's address and officer information, update media information, and access all pending loans and errors for a specified school code.

Lender Tasks
View and work with lender data. Authorized users will be able to change a lender's address and officer information, and update media information.

Servicer Tasks
View and work with servicer data. Authorized users will be able to view and update media information for servicers.

Enter an application processing message code and see both a short explanation of its meaning and a longer, more detailed explanation.

Report Tasks
View static and dynamic reports. Authorized users will be able to request two types of reports: