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This information reflects data from both our TAP system and the Scholarship system from which HESC’s Consolidated Scholarship Rosters (CSR) are generated. Information displayed includes application status, income verification status, last update to the student's file and school information. Students with multiple awards will have basic payment information from both TAP and Scholarship systems. This will include current year certified points, pending prior year points as well as award amounts.

Grants & Scholarships (TAP) Student Help Topics

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Call the HESC Help Desk at 1-866-431-HESC (1-866-431-4372) for assistance. The Help Desk is staffed 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday. Leave a message during unstaffed hours and someone will return your call.

G&S Student Data

This information reflects application status, income verification status, last update to the student's file, school information, and basic payment information, including current year certified points and any pending prior year points.

Points Description:

  • TAPUG: This three-digit number (with one decimal position) refers to how many TAP undergraduate payment points the student has received. These TAP undergraduate payment points also include any points already received for payments under the Aid for Part-Time Study Programs. The total Aid for Part-Time Study points are also reported separately under APTS below.
  • TAPGrad: This three-digit number (with one decimal position) refers to how many TAP graduate payment points the student has received.
  • Scholarship: This three-digit number (with one decimal position) refers to how many undergraduate scholarship or graduate fellowship payment points the student has received. Scholarship points will appear blank in the Total Points section for memorial scholarships that are being paid on the CSR; points for these payments will be displayed in the G&S CSR Payment Data section.
  • CV/CPF: This three-digit number (with one decimal position) refers to the number of Child of Veteran and/or Child of Deceased Police Officer - Firefighter/Correction Officer Award payment points the student has received.
  • STAP: This three-digit number (with one decimal position) refers to the number of Supplemental Tuition Assistance Program (STAP) payment points the student has received.
  • VA: This three-digit number (with one decimal position) refers to the number of undergraduate Veterans Tuition Award (VTA) payment points the student has received.
  • Fellowship: This three-digit number (with one decimal position) refers to the number of Empire State Fellowship, Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship, or graduate Vietnam Veterans/Persian Gulf Veterans Tuition Awards payment points the student has received.
  • APTS: This three-digit number (with one decimal position) refers to the number of Aid for Part-Time Study Program (APTS) payment points the student has received.

REQUESTED COLLEGE CODE is the school code reported by the student on the Express Tap Application, the Request for Information form or the Student Change Form.

ROSTER COLLEGE CODE is the school code used to determine the correct school for certification purposes.

Field help for Application Level:

  • 1 = Undergraduate 4 year program
  • 2 = Graduate program
  • 3 = Undergraduate 2 year program

Field Help for Volunteer School Status

  • 0 0 = Not a Volunteer Scholarship (VRSS) award recipient
  • 1 1 = Eligible VRSS award recipient
  • 2 1 = Eligible for VRSS award based on non approved college administrative override
  • 2 2 = Eligible for VRSS award based on multiple nominee administrative override
  • 2 3 = Eligible for VRSS award based on administrative override for miscellaneous reason
  • 3 1 = Award suspended - school not approved
  • 3 2 = Award suspended - "C" average requirement not met
  • 3 3 = Award suspended - not active in Volunteer company
  • 3 4 = Award suspended - miscellaneous reason
  • 4 1 = Ineligible - not member of volunteer company
  • 4 2 = Ineligible - exhausted eligibility
  • 4 3 = Ineligible - miscellaneous reasons

G&S Processing Data

This information reflects responses to eligibility questions. It also includes loan default status, number of family members in college, and Verification of Income Adjustment Claim (VIAC) letter status.

Field Help for Residency Codes

  • 0 = not answered
  • 1 = student reported New York resident
  • 2 = non-resident for entire academic year, using student or college reported data
  • 3 = resident for fall, winter, and spring terms, determined after review of residency questionnaire
  • 4 = resident for winter and spring terms, determined after review of residency questionnaire
  • 5 = resident for spring term only, determined after review of residency questionnaire
  • 6 = residency approved for all terms, after review of residency questionnaire
  • 7 = residency being questioned and residency questionnaire sent to student
  • 8 = residency denied for all terms, after review of residency questionnaire
  • 9 = military waiver

G&S Payment Data

The screen represents payment information by school term.

Field Help for Pay Status

  • 0 = Not on a roster yet
  • 1 = On a roster
  • 2 = Certified
  • 3 = On a remittance advise as paid
  • 4 = Certified, but a check is due HESC
  • 5 = Decertified

Field Help for Roster Reason

  • 0 = no response from school
  • 1 = attending and eligible
  • 2 = TAP - No scholarship
  • 3 = Withdrawn with tuition liability
  • 4 = Not enrolled or withdrawn without tuition liability
  • 5 = not full time
  • 6 = not matriculated
  • 7 = does not meet accelerated study requirements
  • 8 = not in good academic standing
  • 9 = miscellaneous reason

Field Help for Re-award Code

  • 0 = No award
  • 1 = Initial award
  • 2 = Post roster award
  • 3 = Certification computed
  • 4 = Post - certification award

Field Help for Levels

  • 1 = Undergrad 4 year program
  • 2 = Undergrad 5 year program
  • 3 = Graduate
  • 4 = STAP
  • 5 = Undergrad 2 year program

G&S CSR Payment Data

The screen reflects Consolidated Scholarship Roster (CSR) information generated by HESC’s Scholarship system. Here you will see both initial award estimates, and once certified, the actual certified CSR term payment information.

GRANT or SCHOLARSHIP TYPE is the numeric identifier and scholarship name.

SCHOLARSHIP ID is the two digit year, program code and six digit number.

COLLEGE CODE is the school code used to determine the school being paid and correct school for certification purposes.

LAST UPDATE is the mm/dd/yyyy of last roster or certification activity for the term.

TUITION & FEES are reported by the school on the certified CSRs.

OTHER AID indicates outside scholarship and other aid reported by the school on the certified CSRs.

ROOM & BOARD is what was reported by the school on the certified CSRs.

BOOKS & TRANS is what was reported by the school on the certified CSRs.

PELL is what was reported by the school on the certified CSRs.

COST OF ATTENDANCE is the Title IV COA reported by the school on the certified CSRs.

PROGRAM AWARD is either HESC estimate or final award based on the school certification on a CSR.

Field Help for Budget:

  • 1 = commuter living with parents
  • 2 = resident housing
  • 3 = commuter not living with parents
  • 4 = off campus housing

Field Help for Pay Status:

  • 0 = Not on a roster yet
  • 1 = On a roster
  • 2 = Certified
  • 3 = On a remittance advise as paid
  • 4 = Certified, but a check is due HESC
  • 5 = Decertified

Field Help for Roster Reason:

  • 0 = no response from school
  • 1 = attending and eligible
  • 2 = TAP - No scholarship
  • 3 = Withdrawn with tuition liability
  • 4 = Not enrolled or withdrawn without tuition liability
  • 5 = not full time
  • 6 = not matriculated
  • 7 = does not meet accelerated study requirements
  • 8 = not in good academic standing
  • 9 = miscellaneous reason

Field Help for Enrollment Status

  • FT = Full-time
  • HT = Half-time
  • PT = Part-time
  • 01 -11 = credits certification

PROGRAM POINTS indicate number of points consumed by CSR term payment

G&S APTS Term Data

Points Description:

TAPUG: A three-digit number (with one decimal position) which refers to how many TAP undergraduate payment points the student has received. The TAP undergraduate payment points also include any points already received for payments under the Aid for Part-Time Study Programs. The total Aid for Part-Time Study points are also reported separately under APTS below.

APTS: A three-digit number (with one decimal position) which refers to the number of Aid for Part-Time Study Program (APTS) payment points the student has received.

Field Help for Dependency Status

  • 1= Independent
  • 2= Dependent
  • 3= Independent with dependents of their own

Field Help for Part Time Status

  • 01 = HESC Eligible for Part Time Aid
  • 02 = HESC Eligible, applied for full time TAP
  • 03 = HESC Eligible, insufficient college funds
  • 10 = Ineligible, exhausted undergraduate points
  • 11 = Ineligible, certified for full time TAP
  • 12 = Deleted by College
  • 13 = Ineligible, maximum income exceeded
  • 14 = Ineligible, certified for CUNY PT
  • 15 = Ineligible, in loan default
  • 20 = Error, invalid alpha numeric DOB
  • 21 = Error, invalid alpha numeric award amount
  • 22 = Error, award greater than max for this term
  • 23 = Error, total award greater than $2000
  • 24 = Error, College Code not approved for this term
  • 25 = Error, Award zero
  • 26 = Error, SSN for different student on TAP file
  • 27 = Error, Invalid Proc Code/No Cert
  • 28 = Error, invalid dependent/independent status
  • 29 = Error, invalid alpha numeric NTI
  • 30 = Certified by College (C.P.A)
  • 31 = Certified, C.P.A. and 5th year program
  • 32 = Certified C.P.A. and used waiver
  • 33 = Certified by College (not C.P.A.)
  • 34 = Decertified - not in good academic standing
  • 35 = Decertified by College (other reasons for non-payment)
  • 36 = Decertified by HESC (other reasons for non-payment)
  • 40 = Deleted - SSN Change

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